Mission / Vision

SIM's STEM Outreach Vision
SIM Chapters seek to give back to their local communities by supporting programs which contribute to the vitality and continuation of the Information Technology profession.

SIM's STEM Outreach Mission: Filling the IT Pipeline
SIM and its Chapters support schools, programs and organizations which encourage and enable students (K-12, tech training programs, undergraduate, graduate and continuing education) to join and contribute to the Information Technology profession.

Support may come in the form of donations, scholarships, member participation, coordination, collaboration or advisory activities at the Chapter level.

SIM specifically seeks to influence college and university CS/MIS and Computer Engineering curriculum to better develop the future technology workforce.  SIM also wishes to strengthen and encourage K-12 STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education, which provides the foundation for higher-education technology curriculum.

SIM seeks to encourage demographic groups which are underrepresented in the profession, including women and minorities, to pursue technology-related degrees and careers.